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Plateaux Easy stak

Quick Overview

Wide printable surface and unrivalled robustness.
Easy stacking and in line `cruched' angle to allow more inner space and insertion of trays and nests, without obstacles. `Flower Open Stack' may be printed with updated tools in order to get the best showing of your product.

To the three Stak values is added a further degree of logistics technology: crushed corners in line for better stacking and big internal space saving.


Wide printable surface and unrivalled robustness. Easy stacking and in line `cruched' angle to allow more inner space and insertion of trays and nests, without obstacles. `Flower Open Stack' may be printed with updated tools in order to get the best showing of your product. To the three Stak values is added a further degree of logistics technology: crushed corners in line for better stacking and big internal space saving.

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